Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Alternative Design Survey Request

Sound Transit and the Tacoma City Council are planning to dump hundreds of thousands of yards of dirt in the economic development area of the Dome District in downtown Tacoma. They will be doing this in an effort to create a large berm, which is effectively a large hill of dirt with the train tracks placed on top of the hill. We feel this is a mistake.

The space they are purposing for this is viable land that can be commercially developed. The reason for commercial development is to create jobs and to tax business and property. The employment in new businesses in the Dome Area will create buying power for Tacoma and all of Pierce County residents. This saves the residents from having their taxes increased due to a lack of commercial development. Sound Transit has closed a lot of businesses in Tacoma that have moved out of the city taking their money for taxes with them. Who will Tacoma and Pierce County turn to and recover the lost revenue? YOU. When bond issues come up they always feature a family home in the $200,000 price range and never mention the multi-million dollar commercial buildings that pay thousands of dollars in taxes. The businesses are what keeps the city going. Please help us to stop this purposeful destruction of commercial property development and our future tax base.

Please help us to stop this purposeful destruction of commercial property development. Please vote yes for Post and Beam Alternative in the our survey on the right side. The citizens of Tacoma need your help. We need 100,000 votes. Thank you for taking the time to let your voice be heard.